As part of its Bright Spots programme, Coram Voice has published results of its new survey ‘Our lives beyond care’. The survey looks at the views of 474 care leavers aged 16-25 years on their wellbeing in 2018. It found that:

  • Almost one in four (23%) have low-life satisfaction, compared to 3% of 16-24 year olds in the general population
  • 96% of care leavers say they trust their worker, and the same figure says they can easily contact their worker
  • 86% say they feel involved in plans about their future
  • 24% of care leavers said they didn’t know why they were in care or would like to learn more

The survey was conducted across six local authorities in England and will be rolled out across other local authorities over the coming year.


Further details can be found on the Coram Voice website and in an article on the survey published in The Guardian.