NHS England has published three reports looking at evidence about the care needs of children and young people placed in secure settings. Findings from a scoping report of secure units (which include secure children’s homes, secure training centres, young offender institutions and secure hospitals) in England, Scotland and Wales include: there are 60 secure units for young people in Great Britain, which are unevenly distributed around the country.

Findings from a census of all young people from England in secure settings on 14 September 2016 shows that: 1,322 English young people were detained in a secure placement in Great Britain on that day, of whom 62 were placed in Wales or Scotland.

Findings from interviews with professionals and carers include: many respondents felt multiple placements and moves led to young people having difficulty trusting staff and caused feelings of rejection; and respondents were concerned that young people were often placed far from their support systems.

Source: NHS England