The Home Office has published the high-level summary results of a survey it undertook (July to October 2020) of local authorities in England, Wales and Scotland, and of Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland in order to obtain a more accurate estimate of the numbers of looked after children and care leavers eligible to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS).

The total number of looked after children and care leavers identified by the survey as eligible to apply for the EUSS was 3,220. As of 30 October 2020, 1,480 applications to the EUSS had been received. 65% (960) of these applications had been decided, with 820 resulting in a grant of settled status and 140 granted pre-settled status.

The report is on the website. A joint briefing was published by The Children’s Society, Coram Children’s Legal Centre and Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit in response to the survey: ‘The application rate of vulnerable groups to the EUSS