CoramBAAF and Coram Children’s Legal Centre (CCLC) have provided evidence on current practice in kinship care assessments and recommendations for improvements to the cross-party Parliamentary Taskforce on Kinship Care. Key current challenges identified include:

  • The ongoing need for advice on kinship care and the rights of the child, parent/s and carer/s
  • The impact of time pressures, including court deadlines and time limits specified under Part 4 of the Children Act 1989.
  • Inconsistent practice regarding local authority support in kinship care arrangements, including financial support.
  • Confusion around local authority responsibilities for kinship care placements and when to class as “private” or as arrangements organised by the authority
  • The management of birth parent contact, with kinship carers unclear about their legal obligations and a lack of local authority support

Further information, including a link to the full written evidence, is on the CoramBAAF website. ​