has been created using Google’s safesearch tool as a child-friendly search engine that filters results so that children are not shown anything inappropriate when searching online.

It’s not an official Alphabet (the parent company of Google) product it uses similar branding and a customised version of Google’s safesearch to find results.

According to the site, Kiddle will show their results in a very different way to any other search engine, focusing the opening few results on “sites and pages written specifically for kids. Handpicked and checked by Kiddle editors.”

After those results come sites that may not be written specifically for kids but are understandable to them, and trusted as being safe, these are also handpicked by Kiddle’s editors.

Finally the site says it will show users “safe, famous sites that are written for adults, providing expert content, but are harder for kids to understand. Filtered by Google safe search.”

To make the pages easier for children to follow the site includes big thumbnail pictures alongside large Arial font.

Kiddle also say that they won’t store any personally identifiable information, and that their logs are deleted every 24 hours.