The Scottish Government has published guidance on arrangements for the phased reopening of schools from 22 February 2021. The Welsh Government has announced that children aged three to seven will begin returning to schools in a phased way from 22 February. The Department of Education for Northern Ireland has announced that pre-school, nursery and primary school pupils in P1 to P3 will return to full-time face-to-face teaching from 8 March 2021. All schools in England will reopen to all pupils from the 8th March 2021.


Read the guidance for Scotland: Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance on schools reopening
Read the guidance for Wales: Lockdown to continue for further three weeks as pupils return to school
Read the guidance for Northern Ireland: Phased return of pupils to start in March
Read the news story: Covid-19: Boris Johnson to unveil ‘cautious’ plan to lift England’s lockdown