
We will have a stall at this jobs fair to give you the opportunity to ask any questions about fostering. Come and have an informal chat with a foster carer/member of our fostering team. We always aim to place Warwickshire children with Warwickshire foster carers, meaning you are our first choice. If you are already a foster carer we would like to chat with you about transferring to us. If you have never fostered before but are considering it, come and speak to us and get any questions answered.
We are currently recruiting for foster carers for all ages of children, but we have some specific types of children needing a placement as follows:
Brothers and sisters
Children and young people from Black and Asian backgrounds
Children and young people on an emergency basis
A child with a disability on a short break.
A parent and their child
Child or young person who has been residing in a residential children’s home
A child/children on a short break (respite)

Just like the children and young people we look after, foster carers in Warwickshire come from all parts of the community and we offer a range of support to foster either long term, short term or flexibly. Come and have a chat with us.

  • West Midlands
  • 26/01/2023
  • Leamington Spa Jobcentre Brandon House Holly Walk Leamington Spa CV32 4JE
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