Housing Benefit:-

We have received numerous enquiries to the Fosterline advice and support service around the subject of Housing Benefit and the reduction there of.  We have been able to report back to the Department for Education on matters such as this and welcome the opportunity presented to our users to make comment on the current situation that came into effect 1st April 2013.

Press reports commonly used the phrase Bedroom Tax which prompted calls to our service when in reality it was a reduction in benefits received.

If you wish to take part in the survey please follow the links and information below:-


cooper gibson

Has your housing benefit been reduced due to you under-occupying your home?

For some people, housing benefit reforms have resulted in a reduction of housing benefit because they have been assessed as under-occupying their homes (having a spare bedroom that is not required). These changes came into effect on 1st April 2013 and are called the ‘removal of the spare room subsidy’. You may have heard of this being referred to as the Bedroom Tax or Under Occupancy Charge.

CooperGibson Research is an independent research company. We have been asked by the Department for Education and the Welsh Government to explore the effect of these housing benefit changes on those currently or thinking about fostering, adopting or special guardianship.

Are you…..

  • Living in social housing and claiming housing benefit and of working age?
  • Considering or going through an application to foster, adopt of become a special guardian?….or
  • An approved foster carer or have adopted a child/young person or you are a special guardian?

If so, we would really like to hear about your experiences.

Please contact Mary Dennison on 01423 886 233 or by email mdennison@coopergibson.co.uk to give your views by telephone.

Or complete this online survey before Friday 6th February 2015. It should take about 10-15 minutes to complete.

Click here to start the survey


All responses are completely confidential and your names will not be used in any report resulting from this research. Taking part will not affect any benefits you receive in any way or any contact you have with a Government department or agency, now or in the future.

If you have a problem accessing the survey through the above link, please copy and paste the following link into your internet browser:


If you would like any further information about the research please do not hesitate to contact Mary Dennison on the contact details above.

Sarah Gibson

Director, CooperGibson Research
